Wednesday, September 2, 2009

3 down, 1 more to go.

Today was the 3rd paper. There's one more left!
But it's a freaking difficult module. Physics. It can go screw itself.
1 question. Is there anything wrong with being emotional ?
Is there a rule that is stated that a person must be happy at all times ?
And NO being of emotional ? I don't fucking think so.
I still believe that..
whatever that you've done onto someone, will be done onto you.
Don't take my word for it. Wait and see. One wouldn't be so emotional if someone or something didn't attack on one's personal stuff.
Do i go around saying that you have a big nose ? NO
Do i go around saying that you're not handsome or pretty at all ? NO
I don't hit out on people's personal attributes.
I may be an ass sometimes, but I'll still keep myself away from the personal stuff about him or her.
Is it so wrong to feel down when you just got rejected ?
You may never know, since you may have never been rejected before.
You're suppose to be my friend. Disturbing each other is okay.
Is it so funny that i vomited ? HAHAHAHA!!!
You want me to laugh with you? I'll do it. But it won't be the laughter you'll want to hear. I seriously don't think it's that funny.
Don't act all concern for me on the day i was down. Live through it. Let it be the past. If you want to be a friend, be a good one.
Not an asshole.
Please respect people's feeling.
Don't piss the person off and apologize after you had your fun. The damage has been done. If you don't know me, I'm the softest of the softest among my friends.
Bervin, Rasyid, Din, Singh all know that.
Well you learn something new about me today.
You may not know how it feels to like someone who's so far away. And got kind of rejected when one's expresses its feeling for her.
I'll definitely get over this incident. Let bygones be bygones.
But ask yourself this question. What is the definition of friends?

Peace, Ken
feel for others

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