Monday, September 7, 2009

Breaking And Entering. And Chilling.

The holiday has finally begun. And it's only the 2nd day into our holiday.
Today was the first time i drove a car. It was AWESOME! HAHA!
The only downfall was that, you have to co-ordinate both your legs for the clutch and accelerator. Which was quite a pain in the ass. But.. Overall, it's going to be fun.
Yesterday, we were suppose to go go-karting. Technically we did, but, it wasn't there.
They went to the place where it was suppose to be located at.
But we just couldn't find it.
We got PUNKED!! Actually it was Kok Hao that got PUNKED!!
In the end, we somehow ended up at Esplande. And right beside us was the marina platform.
The next thing were doing was walking the platform with all of the fencing for the F1. It was very cool. Being able to walk on the very road the F1 cars will be driving on.
At the same time, me and Kok were trying to find out where we'll be sitting at.
Of course, one thing will always lead to another.
After walking the whole platform, we went to the grand stand pit stop.
HAHAHA! Now this time, we were breaking and entering.
There was a gap near the flyer ticketing booth.
And there we were on the freaking F1 starting and finishing point.
An Awesome sight.
Of course we did get caught in the end. But..
What he didn't know was that we got everything we wanted. =)
I own Singh and Kok's asses in pool too. I was on FIRE!!
After that, we went to have dinner with LQ at fish and co.
Stupid boy that didn't bring his IC. Lucky Harris bar didn't check our IC.
I think they might have actually ask for mine instead of his.
I look the youngest. HAHA! Drank red bull with vodka. Nice
Well, even though we didn't get to drive the Go-Kart, we experience somethings that some can only dream of.

Peace, Ken
drive me to your heart

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Exams Free

FINALLY!! The exams are over. Time to get some cash in my pocket. Haha!
And i can't wait for the F1! It's getting closer. I hope i can pass my Physics module.
Seriously, i don't understand why they(SP) have to change the format of the exams only for our year.
Screw It. I finally got a new game! Hahaha! After so long..
Guitar Hero 5!, Call of duty and my sisters just had to have the game call Lips!
Now my house is like a freaking KBOX. There's so many things i want to buy.
But.. I have to resist! To save money for... HOLLAND!!! =D
I'll be going Go-Karting tomorrow. Can't wait!
Oh yah! To all of my friends who are in ITE. All the best for your exams!
I seriously don't know who to bring for the F1. But one thing is for sure.
Bervin will be going for the last day.
I can't wait to actually see her again. Attach or Non-Attach.
Okay, my sisters are seriously echoing their voice throughout my house. HAHA!
I'll update soon. Maybe tomorrow.

Peace, Ken
you're the one

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

3 down, 1 more to go.

Today was the 3rd paper. There's one more left!
But it's a freaking difficult module. Physics. It can go screw itself.
1 question. Is there anything wrong with being emotional ?
Is there a rule that is stated that a person must be happy at all times ?
And NO being of emotional ? I don't fucking think so.
I still believe that..
whatever that you've done onto someone, will be done onto you.
Don't take my word for it. Wait and see. One wouldn't be so emotional if someone or something didn't attack on one's personal stuff.
Do i go around saying that you have a big nose ? NO
Do i go around saying that you're not handsome or pretty at all ? NO
I don't hit out on people's personal attributes.
I may be an ass sometimes, but I'll still keep myself away from the personal stuff about him or her.
Is it so wrong to feel down when you just got rejected ?
You may never know, since you may have never been rejected before.
You're suppose to be my friend. Disturbing each other is okay.
Is it so funny that i vomited ? HAHAHAHA!!!
You want me to laugh with you? I'll do it. But it won't be the laughter you'll want to hear. I seriously don't think it's that funny.
Don't act all concern for me on the day i was down. Live through it. Let it be the past. If you want to be a friend, be a good one.
Not an asshole.
Please respect people's feeling.
Don't piss the person off and apologize after you had your fun. The damage has been done. If you don't know me, I'm the softest of the softest among my friends.
Bervin, Rasyid, Din, Singh all know that.
Well you learn something new about me today.
You may not know how it feels to like someone who's so far away. And got kind of rejected when one's expresses its feeling for her.
I'll definitely get over this incident. Let bygones be bygones.
But ask yourself this question. What is the definition of friends?

Peace, Ken
feel for others